01. Concetualization:
Three concepts based on identity issue

In the current market, users are overwhelmed by the products available to them and the functions to choose from.
By defining a strong identity for CTOUCH we aimed to present the product from a different angle which will give it a new edgy charm. This encourages users to buy and use this specific product choosing it in between the many options presented to them.
The different concepts all represented an amplified identity of someone in a meeting, namely:
Avatar - your helpful sidekick: helpful, suggestive and subtle
Facilitator - the straight-forward provider: instinctive, transparent and impartial
Manager - the trustworthy meeting planner: fast, controlling, trustworthy and beneficial
Due to the vast scope of this product we have chosen a specific flow to focus on in our user test: connecting to CTOUCH and sharing screens. For each concept this flow was worked out in detail. The three concepts are explained below with flowcharts and details.
By defining a strong identity for CTOUCH we aimed to present the product from a different angle which will give it a new edgy charm. This encourages users to buy and use this specific product choosing it in between the many options presented to them.
The different concepts all represented an amplified identity of someone in a meeting, namely:
Avatar - your helpful sidekick: helpful, suggestive and subtle
Facilitator - the straight-forward provider: instinctive, transparent and impartial
Manager - the trustworthy meeting planner: fast, controlling, trustworthy and beneficial
Due to the vast scope of this product we have chosen a specific flow to focus on in our user test: connecting to CTOUCH and sharing screens. For each concept this flow was worked out in detail. The three concepts are explained below with flowcharts and details.