Design for Lifestyle
Project Inroduction
Lifestyle research, AR app design
Life out of ink:
Tattoo conveys a belief, story, art...
How can people with tattoos show their life in a new form?
My Role:
UX/UI design
AR prototyping (built with Unity)
Project Owner:
Fan Sun, Jeanine mooijsson, Jens Hellewaard, Martina pozzoni.
This is a course project: Lifestyle Research/Design, in which we, a group of 4 students, identify and do a research for a certain lifestyle, and design a product for it.
In our concept, we want to make use of technology to transform the tattoo on your skin. This will be done with Augmented Reality (AR). When scanning a certain tattoo with your phone, the tattoo will change when looked to, through the screen.
Project Overview

0. Lifestyle
- Why Design for Lifestyle? -
Design companies usually use the term ‘target group’ to define whom they are designing for. However, with the increasing amount of subcultures, it is getting harder and harder to put a large number of people in one single category.
The ongoing individualization in our Western society changes the marketing focus from thinking in general ‘target groups’ to the more specific concept of ‘lifestyle’ and consequently to ‘lifestylegroups’, giving credit to this change in society.
This tool is not so much about a consumer or a group of consumers with equal characteristics, as well about experiential worlds that people surround themselves with. The focus shifts to another spectrum, from what characterizes a group to what a group identifies with.
In this issue, we will dive into the world of “Ink Devotees”.
The ongoing individualization in our Western society changes the marketing focus from thinking in general ‘target groups’ to the more specific concept of ‘lifestyle’ and consequently to ‘lifestylegroups’, giving credit to this change in society.
This tool is not so much about a consumer or a group of consumers with equal characteristics, as well about experiential worlds that people surround themselves with. The focus shifts to another spectrum, from what characterizes a group to what a group identifies with.
In this issue, we will dive into the world of “Ink Devotees”.

1. Research
- "My life as a tattoo artist" -
Desk Research
About the history and trends of tattoo and ink devoteesInterviews
With 8 tattoo artists in Rotterdam
Rotterdam Tattoo Convention
To get an image of their fashion style