While using the CTOUCH several problems was identified. A classification of the product problems is shown below.
Many of these problems could be connected to two main issues, and from there the problem statement was created.

The problems are characterized by two core issues:
the user journey of connecting multiple devices and the identity of the CTOUCH Leddura 2Meet during meetings.
Interaction with the screen should be fluent andorganic, as if the team is interacting with another member.
the user journey of connecting multiple devices and the identity of the CTOUCH Leddura 2Meet during meetings.
Interaction with the screen should be fluent andorganic, as if the team is interacting with another member.
- Connecting multiple screens is central to TaglessTeamwork
- However, the current user joucation
- Many usage issues that the screen has, stem from the difficulties that accompany connecting a screen to CTOUCH
- When connectivity runs smoothly this will enable the screen to be used at its full potential, and allows it to establish its identity in meetings
- If the product is aimed at being “just anotherperson in the meeting”, this identity needs to be clear.
- Only through prolonged use the screen gets a clear role in the meeting, this role is not apparent fromthe first use
- It is hard to grasp what the product wants to be/what the role of the product is during a meeting. Inother words, the identity of the screen is somewhat vague and undefined in its use.
- There is no hierarchy / distinction between functions in terms of importance