Design for Collaboration
Project Inroduction
Usability evaluation, UX/UI design
CTOUCH Leddura 2Meet is developed to make collaboration more accessible and more interactive in any meeting room. Interaction with the screen should be fluent and organic, as if the team is interacting with another member.
My Role:
UX design
High-fidelity prototype building
Usability Test annd analysis
Project leader (6 weeks)
Project Owner:
Fan Sun, Costanza Milano, Esther Bosman, Jelmer Koedood, Sara Sundstrom Konradsson, Tjapko Vermeulen.
This is a course project: Usability and experience evaluation and redesign, in which we, a group of 6 students from the Design for Interaction master at the TU Delft, tackle the usability issue for the company, CTOUCH. The product we worked on is CTOUCH Leddura 2Meet, a big touch screen designed to be used in business meetings. The screen has its own operating system which combines many different functionalities in order to support its users during meetings.
Process Overview

1. Analysis of Product Qualities 2. Design Brief 3. Concept Design 4. Concept Development 5. Final Design and Evaluation